Item 10: Consideration of Resolution Extending Closing Date of an Option to Purchase City-Owned Real Estate on Tarboro Street to be Developed for Affordable Workforce Housing by Five Points Crossing Limited Partnership until April 30, 2022 (approves Addendum to Option to Purchase Unimproved Real Estate with Five Points Crossing Limited Partnership (affiliate of Woda Cooper Companies, Inc.) Relative to the Tarboro Street Development (DFI Project) (extends closing date for purchase of land at Five Points to no later than April 30, 2022)

Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution (extends closing date and authorizes the Mayor to Execute Addendum to Purchase Agreement and Related Documents on Behalf of the City)


Knight - Y
Blackwell - Y
Joyner - Y
Walker - Y
Daughtridge - Y
Bullock - Y
Miller - Y