Counties hit hardest by Covid are gaining momentum with the vaccination process. The doubts people had about the success rate of the vaccine along with multiple suspicions like, transmitters fitted in the vaccine,
With COVID-19 spreading across North Carolina, it is important that we make responsible decisions to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of disease. It is of equal importance that we come together as
Two brothers from Rocky Mount, Thomas Parrish, 16 and Zach Parris, 13 make their debut in a movie published in Amazon Prime. The movie is called 75 degree west. It features the two
Mr. Foster, as he turned 100, has given a century of patriotic service to the country along with being an excellent Principal of Baskerville Elementary School. For his birthday celebration, he was visited
Lau Reda, owner of LauReda's: An American Table and TAP@1918 shares his challenging experience from the beginning of the pandemic. It was sheer determination that made his business withstand these pressures. When
Carrolton is a health facility in Nash that had been treating nursing home residents. Last March they opened a 23-bed COVID-19 unit to treat the nursing home residents who contracted the virus. With