Minutes and recommendations of a regular scheduled committee

Item 5 - "Consideration of Minutes and Recommendations of a Regular Scheduled Committee of the Whole Meeting Held December 14, 2020:
1) Election of Mayor Pro Tem - removed from agenda;
2) Adoption of Meeting List - removed from agenda;
3) Land Development Code Amendment - Accessory Dwellings - Will Deaton - information only; no formal action;
4) Residential Traffic Management Policy - Brad Kerr - information only; no formal action;
5) Review of Fourth Quarter FY 2020 and First Quarter FY2021 Revenues and Expenditures - Kenneth Hunter - information only; no formal action;
6) Crime Statistics for November - Interim Police Chief C. Williams - information only; no formal action;
7) 2020 Census Update - Archie Jones - information only; no formal action; and
8) Closed Session - Personnel; Attorney client (added in open session)"

Recommended Action - Approve Minutes and Recommendations

Knight - Y
Blackwell - Y
Joyner - Y
Walker - Y
Daughtridge - Y
Bullock - Y
Miller - Y