Extension of Masters Services Agreement with Aetna Life Insurance Company
Item 10 - "Consideration of Extension of Master Services Agreement with Aetna Life Insurance Company for one (1) year (effective July 1, 2021; will result in savings of about $431,454) with the following changes:
• Fee Holiday to increase from 1 month to 3 months;
• Wellness Allowance will increase from $25,000 to $50,000;
• Offset Cost of Employee Assistance Program; and
• Increase in Pharmacy Rebates"Recommended Action - "Recommended Action:
1) Authorize Extension of Agreement; and
2) Authorize the Mayor to Execute Extension of Master Services Agreement on Behalf of the City 11."Votes
Knight - Y
Blackwell - Y
Joyner - Y
Walker - Y
Daughtridge - Y
Bullock - Y
Miller - A