Data-Drenched Safety Plea for Red Light Cameras

At Monday night's Council Meeting, Former Superior Court Judge John Henderson spoke to the Council about what he sees as a need for red-light traffic cameras at intersections where there have been numerous vehicle crashes.

DOT data from 2014-2018 found that for the four-year period, there were 83 crashes at Sunset and Winstead avenues, 82 crashes at Benvenue and Jeffreys roads, 53 crashes at Fairview Road and Raleigh Street and 30 crashes at Arlington and Thomas streets.

Rocky Mount previously had cameras at five locations throughout the city and the accident data one year after installation: • 31% reduction in total accidents • 23% reduction in rear-end collision accidents • 17% reduction in angle accidents

Read more about Former Superior Court Judge John Henderson's educated request and look over some of the glaring metrics here: