Award of Duty Sidearm to Corporal Darius Hudgins for 30 years of Dedicated Service

Item 8 - A. Consideration of Recommendation for Approval of Award of Duty Sidearm to Corporal Darius Hudgins for 30 Years of Dedicated Service (retirement date May 1, 2020) B. Consideration of FY 2020 Project Ordinance Amendment Increasing Appropriations in the Occupancy Tax Fund (covers transfer to the General Fund appropriated in FY 2020 Adopted Annual Operating Budget - $500,000) "

Recommended Action - Approve Consent Agenda (inclusive of approval of award of duty sidearm and adoption of project ordinance amendment)

Knight - Y
Blackwell - Y
Joyner - Y
Walker - Y
Daughtridge - Y
Bullock - Y
Miller - N/A