Item 4: Consideration of Minutes Regular Scheduled Committee of the Whole Meeting Held June 14, 2021: 1. Community Land Trust - Dr. Jim Johnson – information only; no formal action; 2. Update on Implementation
Item 7: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Temporary Street Closure: • Consideration of Request from Public Works, of an Ordinance Approving Temporary Street Closings for the Rocky Mount Fire Department 125th Anniversary (ordinance adoption requirement of
Item 9: Consideration of Recommendation to Award CDBG Public Facility Funds to The Wright’s Center for Roof Replacement (funding allocation not to exceed $45,000) Recommended Action: 1) Approve Agreement; and 2)
Item 10: Consideration of the following FY 2021 Project Ordinances (relocates Federal, State and Treasury Forfeiture Funds from Fiduciary Fund into Special Revenue Fund per changes instituted by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Item 11: Consideration of Bid - Fusus Software Platform - award to TEI Innovation @ a total cost of $195,000 for a (3) three-year term (purchase proposed to be made in accordance with
Item 12: Consideration of Modified Electric Service Agreement with Lowes Home Centers, LLC for Service at 700 N. Wesleyan Boulevard (outlines terms and conditions for sale of electric power; decreases contract demand from