Item 10: Consideration of Certification by the City Clerk of the Sufficiency of the Following Annexation Petitions and Scheduling Public Hearings (December 13, 2021): a. Annexation No. 324 – 677 Fountain School Road (contiguous)
Item 11: Consideration of Request for Water Service Outside the City Limits for Property located at 566 Shellcastle Road (due to proximity to City limits and feasibility of providing additional City services, property
Item 12: Consideration of Residential Lease Agreement with Sherbosnia Bridgers for City-Owned property at 134 Nandina Court (Edgecombe Meadows; approx. 1,000 sq. ft. high-efficiency apartment; at a monthly rent of $340 or
Item 13: Consideration of Temporary Easement and Voluntary Property Donation to North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for Construction and Drainage Easements Associated with Construction of Benvenue Road Roundabout (intersection of Battle Park
Item 14: Consideration of First Amendment to HOME Reconciliation Agreement with Nash and Edgecombe Counties and the Town of Tarboro (amends agreement approved 10/11/2021 to reduce Nash County allocation to $1,
Item 15: Consideration of the Following Bids: a. Engineering Services for Falls Road Streetscape Design - award to Kimley-Horn: 1) Task Order 1 - Rehabilitation of Loading Dock Structure - $99,364; and