Item 11: Consideration of the Following Recommendation from the Traffic Engineer: • Adopt: One (1) hour loading zone, in the northernmost lane of the 100 block of Tarboro Street Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance Amending
Item 12: Notification to Council of Intent and Authorization to Apply for a grant from the North Carolina Department of Commerce Rural Transformation Grant Program for Downtown Revitalization (Total cost of proposed project
Item 13: Consideration of Resolution Releasing Assessment on the Robert D. Gorham property on Country Club Drive Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution The recommended action is to award the bid as described.
Item 14: Consideration of Recommendations for FY 2022-2023 CDBG-CV Public Service Awards ($267,434): a) Boys and Girls Club of Tar River Region - $0; b) Ripple Effects - $46,150; c) Joyful
Item 15: Consideration of the following Bids: a) Purchase of one (1) 2023 Ford F450 Crew Cab - award to Piedmont Trucks @ a total cost of $148,773.50 (purchases proposed to be
Item 4: Consideration of the Minutes of a Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting held July 25, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Minutes Votes: A. Knight - Y R. Blackwell - Y R. Joyner -