Item 4: Consideration of: A. Minutes of a Regular Scheduled Committee of the Whole Meeting Held December 13, 2021: 1) Team Building and Collaboration – Dorothy Brown Smith: information only; no formal action; 2)
Item 7: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Consideration of the Following Tax Releases and/or Refunds: • Schedule B - Report of taxes over $100 recommended for release and/or refund by the City Council B.
Item 8: Consideration of Offer of Donation of Funds ($2,000) from Key Stone Realty for Explorer Post #774 (for assistance with purchase of equipment, uniforms, activities, and other needs) Recommended Action: Accept
Item 10: Consideration of Contract with The Robert Bobb Group for Professional Services for Oversight of Day-to-Day Financial Operations ($16,000 per month with total payments not to exceed $64,000; January 25,
Item 11: Consideration of Scope of Services Task Order with Jacobs Engineering for Cost-of-Service Analysis (proposed cost $111,000; for review, update and completion of water, wastewater, and stormwater utility cost of service
Item 12: Consideration of ElectriCities Annual Utility Pole Cooperative Bid Agreement and Purchase Contracts for Wooden Utility Poles (13 participants) - award as follows: a) Stella-Jones – CCA and/or Penta - Apex, Greenville