Item 8: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Consideration of Tax Releases and/or Refunds: • Schedule A – taxes under $100 approved for release and/or refund by the Interim City Manager; and • Schedule B – taxes over
Item 8: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Consideration of Tax Releases and/or Refunds: • Schedule A – taxes under $100 approved for release and/or refund by the Interim City Manager; and • Schedule B – taxes over
Item 10: Consideration of First Amendment of Neighborhood Restoration & Preservation Incentive Grant Agreement with Truth Tabernacle Ministries, Inc. for Rehabilitation of Single-Family Residential Home at 719 Arlington Street (additional funding in the
Item 11: Consideration of Housing Incentive Grant Program Agreement with East End Baptist Church ($100,000 for acquisition and housing rehabilitation of 1012 E. Highland Avenue) Recommended Action: Approve Agreement and Authorize the
Item 4: Consideration of Minutes of a Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting held August 29, 2022 Recommneded Action: Approve Minutes Votes: A. Knight - Y R. Blackwell - Y R. Joyner - Y
Item 9: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Consideration of Request from the Public Works Department of an Ordinance Approving Temporary Street Closings for the Annual Christmas Parade (ordinance adoption requirement of NCDOT standards): • The Temporary
Item 10: Consideration of Recommendations from a Planning Board Meeting held on October 11, 2022 and Acknowledge Receipt of Planning Board Minutes: *Overview of request(s) and recommendation(s) by the Director of