Consideration of Grant Agreement
Item 11: Consideration of 1) Grant Agreement with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds for Urban Transit ($591,893; no local match required); and 2) Project Ordinance
Item 11: Consideration of 1) Grant Agreement with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds for Urban Transit ($591,893; no local match required); and 2) Project Ordinance
Item 12: Consideration of the Following Recommendations from the Traffic Engineer: • Adopt: - 25 MPH speed limit for Wood Green Subdivision (reduces speed from 35 MPH; estimated cost $500) Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance
Item 13: Consideration of Resolution Amending Administrative Policy No. VI.1 Entitled “Policy: Electric Service” (updates terms and conditions under which the City provides electric service to customers) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Votes:
Item 14: Consideration of Petition Submitted by Paul Allen, Jr. on behalf of Ebenezer Baptist Church and David Ellis Requesting the Closing of an Alley 18-Feet Wide Adjacent to Ebenezer Baptist Church Recommended
Item 15: Consideration of Resolution in Support of Petition Naming US 64 Exit 469 in Honor of Kel Landis, III Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution Votes: Knight - Y Blackwell - Y Joyner -
Item 16: Consideration of Amendment to Downtown Residential Production (DRP) Grant Agreement with Dukes Properties & Construction, LLC Relative to Renovation of 118-130 S. Pearl Street (13 residential apartments and a small eatery;