Item 22: Consideration of the following Bids: a) One (1) Heil DuraPack HalfPack Refuse Body mounted on a 2022 Crane Carrier Cab Chassis – award to Carolina Environmental Systems @ total cost of $346,986
Item 22: Consideration of the following Bids: a) One (1) Heil DuraPack HalfPack Refuse Body mounted on a 2022 Crane Carrier Cab Chassis – award to Carolina Environmental Systems @ total cost of $346,986
Item 4: Consideration of the Minutes of a Regular Scheduled Committee of the Whole Meeting Held June 13, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Minutes Votes: Knight - Y Blackwell - Y Joyner - Y
Item 7: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Consideration of Request from Belinda Whitaker for an Ordinance Approving Temporary Street Closure for the “2022 Your Choice Research Center (YCRC) Walk/Run for Life” on September 24,
Item 8: Consideration of Lease Agreement with Billy Horne, d/b/a Cream of Ice for City-Owned Property at 209 NE Main Street (3-year lease; rent = $7,200 per year with 3% escalation
Item 9: Consideration of Lease Agreement with Joel Boseman and Steve Wordsworth for Use of City’s Farm for Pasture for Cattle and Hunting (10-year agreement with option for 2 additional 5-year terms;
Item 10: Consideration of Second Amendment to License Agreement with Franklin Street Properties, LLC to Maintain Use of Loading Dock inside Right-of-Way of Gay Street (loading dock constructed by licensee; allows trucks to