Item 16: Consideration of Lease Agreement with St. John AME Zion Church for Building at 250 Atlantic Avenue (6-month lease = first 3 months/no charge; next 3 months @ $1,020 per month) Recommended
Item 16: Consideration of Lease Agreement with St. John AME Zion Church for Building at 250 Atlantic Avenue (6-month lease = first 3 months/no charge; next 3 months @ $1,020 per month) Recommended
Item 17: Consideration of the Following Petitions for Annexation: A. No. 328 – 9121 West Mount Drive (non-contiguous); and B. No. 329 – 9041 and 9053 West Mount Drive (3 non-contiguous properties) Recommended Action: 1)
Item 18: Consideration of Second Amendment to HOME Reconciliation Agreement with Nash and Edgecombe Counties and the Town of Tarboro (amends agreement to provide for Nash County to administer HOME FY 22-23 funds
Item 19: Consideration of Pole Attachment Agreement with Metro Fibernet, LLC (outlines terms and conditions for attachment and maintenance of aerial cable, wires and association facilities on poles owned or jointly owned by
Item 20: Consideration of Limited Notice to Proceed (LTP) Contract with Barnhill Contracting Company for Fire Station #2 Design-Build Project (feasibility assessment and design programming = $85,000) Recommended Action: Approve Contract and Authorize
Item 21: Consideration of 1) Bid for Business Services Renovations - Award to Mohammad Construction, LLC @ Total Cost of $770,000 (HUB certified MWBE firm); and 2) Budget Ordinance Amendment Appropriating $777,000