Item 4: Consideration of the Minutes of a Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting held June 27, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Minutes Votes: A. Knight - Y R. Blackwell - Y R. Joyner -
Item 4: Consideration of the Minutes of a Regular Scheduled City Council Meeting held June 27, 2022 Recommended Action: Approve Minutes Votes: A. Knight - Y R. Blackwell - Y R. Joyner -
Item 8: Consideration of Modification of Water Tower License Agreement with Cello Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless to make the following changes: • remove three (3) Ericsson RRUS11 B13 RRU; three (3) Ericsson
Item 9: Consideration of FY 2022-2023 Budget Ordinance Amendment for the Police Department’s Pack-A- Patrol Car Program appropriating funds in the Canteen Trust Fund ($14,327) Recommended Action: Adopt Ordiance Votes: A.
Item 10: Consideration of FY 2022-2023 Budget Ordinance Amendment to Reflect Carryforward of Funds Budgeted for and Encumbered but Not Expensed in FY 2021-2022 (combined total - $13,723,691) Recommended Action: Adopt
Item 11: Consideration of Ordinance Approving Installation of All-Way Stop at the following intersections: • Mansfield Drive and Nottingham Road • Mansfield Drive and Sheffield Drive • Sheffield Drive and Nottingham Road (Petitions of support representing
Item 12: Consideration of Memorandum of Agreement with SFM Regarding Use of the Booker T. Theatre (agreement details conditions to be followed for SFM to rent the Theatre in connection with events planned