Item 12 - "Consideration of Resolution Amending/Adopting the following Administrative Policies: a) No. II.31 Entitled “Policy: Downtown Rocky Mount Development Incentive Grant ”; b) No. II.33 Entitled “Policy: Downtown Building Assistance
Item 14 - "Consideration of FY 2019 - 2020 Down East HOME Consortium (DEHC) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation and Report (CAPER) "Recommended Action - Approve Report and Authorize Submission to HUDVotes Knight
Item 13 - "Consideration of Certification by the City Clerk of the Sufficiency of Petition Submitted for Annexation No. 320 – Green Hills Road (contiguous) and Scheduling Public Hearing (March 8, 2021)"Recommended Action
Item 12 - "Consideration of Tax Releases and/or Refunds: • Schedule A – taxes under $100 approved for release and/or refund by the City Manager; and • Schedule B – taxes over $100 recommended for
Item 11 - "Consideration of Approval of Award of Badge to Senior Police Officer R.E. Pennington for 11 years of Dedicated Service (retirement date – January 1, 2021)"Recommended Action - Approve Award