Item 15 - Consideration of the following Bids for: a) Business Services HVAC Replacement Project - award to Matthews Mechanical @ total cost of $162,800 (MWBE-owned business); and b) Recreation and Playground Equipment
Item 14 - Consideration of Request by Wolf X-Ray Corporation to Rename Blue Hawaiian Drive to Wolf Road (Street Name Review Committee recommends approval)Recommended Actions - Adopt Resolution Approving Renaming of Blue
Item 13 - Consideration of Resolution Authorizing Execution of Requisition of Funds Form for the Neighborhood Stabilization ProgramRecommended Actions - Adopt Resolution (authorizes City Manager, Director of Finance, Accounting Manager and City Clerk
Item 12 - Consideration of Petition for Annexation No. 321 – 3583 S. Halifax Road (non-contiguous)Recommended Actions - 1) Acknowledge Receipt of Petition; and 2) Adopt Resolution Ordering City Clerk to Investigate Sufficiency
Item 11 - Consideration of FY 2021 Installment Financing Contract with Banc of America Public Capital Corporation for Equipment ($4,434,000 - fixed interest rate of 0.7617% for a 59-month term)
Item 10 - Consideration of Recommendation of Approval of Award of Duty Sidearm and Badge to Lieutenant Beth Carlton for More Than 27 Years of Dedicated Service (retirement date April 1, 2021)Recommended