Authorizing an Upset Bid Process
Item 14 - Consideration of Offer from Kevin Jones to Purchase 811 and 815-821 Hammond Street Pursuant to a Home Purchase Agreement ($100 each)Recommended Actions - Adopt Resolution Authorizing an Upset Bid
Item 14 - Consideration of Offer from Kevin Jones to Purchase 811 and 815-821 Hammond Street Pursuant to a Home Purchase Agreement ($100 each)Recommended Actions - Adopt Resolution Authorizing an Upset Bid
Item 13 - Consideration of Declaring Certain Personal Property Surplus and Authorizing Disposal by Electronic Auction via GovDeals, Inc.Recommended Actions - Adopt Resolution Declaring Property Surplus and Authorizing Disposal by Votes Knight
Item 12 - Consideration of Request by Mousa Shehadeh to Rename Battle Street to Shehadeh Drive (Street Name Review Committee recommends approval)Recommended Actions - Adopt Resolution Approving Renaming of Battle Street to
Item 11 - Consideration 2021-2023 Three-Year Consolidated Plan, 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan for the Down East HOME Consortium and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (required for eligibility for HOME Partnership
Item 10 - Consideration of Temporary Street Closing Request from Emmanual Health Education, Inc. to Close S. Washington Street from Tarboro Street to Hill Street from 5:00 a.m. to 2:00
Item 9 - Consideration of FY 2021-2022 Budget Review Work Session Schedule: • Monday, May 17 - 2021-2022 Proposed Budget Delivered to City Council • Monday, May 24 - Presentation of 2021-2022 Proposed Budget • Wednesday,