Item 14- "Consideration of the Following Project Ordinances/Amendments: Grant Project Ordinance: • FY 2020-2021 Project Ordinance Appropriating Funds from the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency and the General Fund for the Urgent Repair
Item 11 - "Consideration of FY 2020-2021 Budget Ordinance and Amendments to Fees and Charges: a. FY 2020-2021 Budget Ordinance – establishes appropriations for FY 2020-2021; and sets ad valorem tax rate at $0.
For Immediate Release May 15, 2020 Media Contact: Cary Cox, 252.955.0819 Rocky Mount, N.C.— The N.C. Office of the State Auditor released its findings today after an audit of
Item 8 - A. Consideration of Recommendation for Approval of Award of Duty Sidearm to Corporal Darius Hudgins for 30 Years of Dedicated Service (retirement date May 1, 2020) B. Consideration of FY